Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Last 2 Days!!

Oh yeah~
The day that I'm waiting for so long is so near now...
I feel so excited...Haha:p
Just now Ms.Chua (the manager) still asking me whether I really want to leave...
It's very annoying when the same person asking the same question for several of times...
But, I choose to ignore...
I'm lazy to entertain her already...
She is just like never understand...
Anyway, there is not my matter any more...
What I wish now is finish all my stuffs before I left...
This is the only thing that I insist...
Kak Nor already went for delivery baby...
Kak Yah taking whole week unpaid leave...
The audit department of this company getting terrible...
Since the company is so ''strong'' & never appreciate their staffs...
This is the consequences that they have to bear...
All the best to those staffs that are continue staying...
But I know some of them are getting their plans on...
C & C, just wait & see what will happen on the next...

Thursday, April 22, 2010



不 住之类的话,很可悲,只能说你没有遇到好男人,或者说, 根本不了解男人。一个男人如果真的爱你的话,就一定会做出下 面这些事:

钱,在感情生活中不是最重要的,但是是必须的。一个男人如 果是真的爱你的话,就不会为你去计算钱,只要你需要的合 理,有能力支付,就一定不会不答应。因为在他心里,连你都是 他的了,为什么还不能给你花钱?

女人常常会有很多的不开心事情,在男人看来很多只是很小的 事情,甚至不值得去在乎。一个爱你的男人,会希望了解到 你在想什么,会愿意听你的诉苦,听完你很多的话后,再发表下 评论,安慰下你。

年轻的男人,大多数是爱拼搏的,自己苦一点,累一点,没有 关系,经济条件有限的人,会自己减少开支,来付出在感情 上,有能力的人,则会在做每一件事的时候,都在考虑关于 你的未来。自己吃饭的时候,会在想你有没有吃,自己在娱 乐的时候,总会想到要是能把你带去就好了,自己在开心的 时候,总会想到你这时候会是怎样的心情,总之不管自己处于什 么状态,都会想到你。

两个人在一起吃饭,常常女生最后都会说吃不下了,爱你的男 人,会情愿帮你的吃完剩下的。现在这个年龄的男人,大多 数在家里是被当着宝贝养大的,一直都是家人付出,自己享 受,如果真的很爱一个人,他会放下自己,去为了爱的人

两个人一起逛街的时候,爱你的男人会走在靠马路的一边,而 你则在靠马路里面的一边,这样你会很安全。登山的时候, 爱你的男人总会在你后面,可以保护着你向上爬。下雨的时 候,总会把伞向你那边多倾斜一点,即使自己淋湿了,也不 想让你受到一点点的雨淋。刮大风的时候,会紧紧抱住你, 不让你被风吹到……不管在什么情况下,都愿意尽量减少给你带 去的伤害。

一个好男人,是需要一个好女人好好把握的,也许你现在身边 的男人并不完美,并不是你一直所憧憬的那样的王子般的男 人,但是他只要是真心对你好的,你就应该去珍惜,一个女 人对男人最大的珍惜,就是好好的去爱他,心里只有他一个,愿 意和他一起去承受生活中要面对的。
最后,希望全天下所有真心相爱的人,好好在一起,好好的彼此 珍惜,共同面对。

Thursday, April 15, 2010

2 more weeks!!~

Oh yeah~
Countdown for 2 more weeks!!
Then I will be a free girl for some period of time...
Somehow, I'm still tie up with ACCA exam...
So, not totally free also...Hehe:p
But, at least I'm free from heavy workload with short of hands...
I'm just hoping that I can clear off all of my works before I leave the company...
I don't want to give the burden to my colleagues...
I know that some of them will not border about it...
As their own work also can push to other people...Sigh...
We are speechless sometimes...
Anyway, I'm already out of all these...
I know that for sure everywhere also will have this kind of situation...
Therefore, I'm just hoping the best in the future...
On the other hand, I can go & meet my dear friends again...
Can't wait to see them again...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pissed Off

It was a pissed off day to me...
Someone with their management power trying to interfere my decision...
Who you think you are??
My mum don't even interfere with the decision I have made!!
This company is really hopeless after being take over by some other people...
I really miss the few months working with Mr.Su...
He is really a very nice boss...
At least he will considerate about us...
After C & C took over, everything has changed...
Workload increase & employees benefits become worst than before...
Some more, the salary is still remain the same...
What kind of lousy company is this??
1st year with no annual leaves...
Every month has to hit a target with 5 times of your salary...
If never hit it, no increment for you...
Are we sales girl???
No way!!! I'm just an audit assistant...
I already sent in my letter last week...
The manager, herself already approved it...
Now, she is trying to ask me stay back with no better offers...
What for I need to stay back??
I can't foresee any good future here...
I also can't see any benefits towards me...
Is this the way the company management trying to ask an employee to continue working with them??
It's really a terrible company!!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Today is another day which have few people's birthday...
The only one who close to me is Rayson...
Happy Birthday to him...
Wish that he can get what I greet him this morning...Haha XD
Those are the wishes that he wants to get...
Hopefully he can make it...
Back to me...
Actually I have resigned on last Wednesday...
There is some reasons in between...
I will further tell the story on some other day...
Anyway, after I hang in my resignation letter, I really feel better...
After end of this month, I will fully concentrate on my exam in coming June...
Therefore, I will only find another job after that...
After deep consideration, I decided to go outstation to get my job...
1 of the reason is we really need money...
Mum isn't work & my younger brother still needs money for his further studies...
Another reason is...
I feel that since I come back here, I become more & more dependent to my mum...
If I'm at outstation, at least I will be more independent...
Learn everything on my own...
Do everything on my own...
I think I'm ready to face things that I fear...
Hopefully I can cope with my coming new challenges...